Monday, March 21, 2011


There are times like now when I wonder what I'm doing with my life. On the surface things are going great: job, boyfriend, cat, home... And yet there is something missing. Some greater purpose. I help out at work, but I'm not the one changing kids' lives; I'm just helping clean up accidents and get warm milk. I wonder when my time will come; and I resign myself to the fact that it will not come while I'm in my current situation. I'm not moving very far forward with my life. I'm taking care of (some) business, but I still feel like I can't keep up with it all. And I'm not looking for someone to sweep in and make it all better; I want to make it better on my own, but don't really know how to. How am I supposed to teach life skills when I can't manage my own life? You do the best you can, I guess. I want so much more, I just don't know what it is or how to get it. I keep moving forward day by day, though. It's all ypu can do sometimes. One day at a time, as Phoenix says.

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