We started by going down to Chopsticks' house to pick him up and go out to the Oregon Country Fair site. We walked down from Watergate through the 8 to the Junction, and out Bus Admissions. We walked through Dragon Meadow:

We took 'Sticks back home and went on to the next phase of the adventure: visiting New Mama! My friend just had her second child, and I had to meet the new cuteness. He's a sweet little butterball that slept soundly in my arm as I snapped photos one-handed:

At this point, we had planned on moving on and meeting up with Kaz, but since he wasn't awake yet, Phoenix and I decided to go look at the local used games and books stores. A peek into Big City Gaming netted us a look at an old copy of Chrono Trigger for the Famicom, but a look at the pricetag kept us from picking it up for our collector buddy Tayo. We walked up to CD/Game Exchange where we found several good deals. The best of these were Fallout: New Vegas for only $15 and Scene It with all 4 custom controllers for $15; though the former was a great deal, Phoenix already has too many games and couldn't justify getting it. I pitched in, though, and we bought Scene It. We then drove up campus a bit and had to hit up Smith Family Bookstore; it just so happened that we arrived on free comic day. Well, the rack where the free comics were was pretty barren, and by that time of the day they only carried a "Smurfs" freebie. I decided to get myself a used copy of Naruto's first collection. We looked around the bookstore some more, then eventually got bored and went back out to the car.
On the way there, I finally got a message from Kaz saying that he was awake, so we headed off to visit him. *knock knock* No answer... *knock knock* No answer... *ring ring ring* (groggy sounds) "Hello...?" "Hey, uh, we're on your porch knocking and you're not answering your door." "Oh..." "And be sure to put some pants on!" *click* Well, he came to the door without the pants, but was wrapped in a bathrobe at least. We visited for about 45 minutes, just chatting about what we've been up to lately, then Phoenix and I had to jet off to the next visit!
We met a pair of my friends at the Horsehead in downtown. They had just ordered food, and I went to get myself a drink. Well, they didn't take too kindly to my expired ID... We got the boot from them. My friends got their food to go, and we moved up the next set of plans: Thai food. The four of us loaded into the car and got our grub on. She thought her carrot garnish looked steampunk, and that set us off on a long series of funny conversations. Here's a picture of my friends who joined us there:

We got there early, so we ended up just chilling in the car for a while playing cellphone games. He did better than me... Oh well. We went inside and tried to find some people I recognized, and pretty soon we found 'Sticks and his lady (who was feeling camera-shy too today):

We stuck around for a little while, but no one else we knew showed up, so we took off early around 9:00. We were both really tired from having got up so early in the morning, and he had two more hours of driving to stay awake for. We loaded back up, and headed towards a detour in Salem to visit one of his moms. She is going through an ugly divorce and feels the world is out to get her right now. We tried to console her some, but there really wasn't anything for us to say, so we finally headed home.
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